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◊(define-meta title "Shot in the Patoot")
◊(define-meta published "2016-06-29")
◊(define-meta topics "Tweets")

◊tweet[#:id "535187560411447296"
       #:handle "crushingbort"
       #:realname "Dollars Horton"
       #:permlink ""
       #:timestamp "Nov 19 2014 3:47 PM"]{happy birthday to former President James Garfield, mortally shot in the patoot ◊image["tweet-535187560411447296.jpg"]}
◊tweet[#:id "535188461901582336"
      #:handle "crushingbort"
      #:realname "Dollars Horton"
      #:permlink ""
      #:timestamp "Nov 19 2014 3:50 PM"]{reminder that one time we shoved whiskey and beef bouillon up a president's butt until he died ◊link[""]{…} ◊image["tweet-535188461901582336.png"]}