D 2018-12-15T18:14:31.910
L My\srules\sof\splay
N text/x-markdown
U joel
W 799
1. I’m going to try to proceed through the puzzles in order and to get correct solutions for all of them.
2. No looking at [the daily solution megathread](https://old.reddit.com/r/adventofcode/wiki/index#wiki_how_do_the_daily_megathreads_work.3F) until after I have completely solved both parts of that day’s problem.
2. I avoid perusing through _any_ discussion about other peoples’ approaches at least until I have constructed a first-effort solution of my own.
3. The input for each day’s puzzle will saved in a separate file. Solution programs must read and parse this input rather than having it hardcoded in.
4. Solution programs will include [unit tests](https://docs.racket-lang.org/rackunit/philosophy.html?q=rackunit) demonstrating that the code produces the accepted answer.
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