#lang racket
(require rackunit)
(define input (file->lines "day02-input.txt"))
;; Returns hash table where keys are unique chars in str,
;; values are # of occurrences of that char in str
(define (check-id str)
(for/fold ([seen (hash)])
([c (in-list (string->list str))])
(hash-set seen c (add1 (hash-ref seen c 0)))))
;; Returns hash table where keys are numbers, values are counts of
;; how many ids in id-list that have a character that repeats exactly
;; [key] times
(define (id-counts id-list)
(for/fold ([counts (hash)])
([id (in-list id-list)])
(for/fold ([each-count counts])
([c (in-list (remove-duplicates (hash-values (check-id id))))])
(hash-set each-count c (add1 (hash-ref each-count c 0))))))
(define (day01-part1 id-list)
(define counts (id-counts id-list))
(* (hash-ref counts 2 0) (hash-ref counts 3 0)))
(module+ test
(define test-ids '("abcdef"
(check-equal? (day01-part1 test-ids) 12)
(check-equal? (day01-part1 input) 7533)) ; Correct answer for part 1
(define part2-example
;; Returns a list of characters at positions where id1 and id2 match
(define (compare-box-ids id1 id2)
(define id1-chars (string->list id1))
(define id2-chars (string->list id2))
(filter identity (for/list ([i (in-range (length id1-chars))])
(if (equal? (list-ref id1-chars i) (list-ref id2-chars i))
(list-ref id1-chars i)
(define (day02-part2 ids)
(define (is-match? comparison-chars)
(equal? (length comparison-chars) (sub1 (string-length (first ids)))))
(define matches
(filter is-match? (map (curry compare-box-ids (first ids)) (rest ids))))
(if (not (empty? matches)) (list->string (first matches)) (day02-part2 (rest ids))))
(module+ test
(check-equal? (day02-part2 part2-example) "fgij")
(check-equal? (day02-part2 input) "mphcuasvrnjzzkbgdtqeoylva")) ; Correct answer for part 2