#lang racket
(require rackunit)
(define input
(map string->number
(rest (regexp-match #px"(\\d+) players; last marble is worth (\\d+) points"
(file->string "day09-input.txt")))))
(match-define (list num-players last-marble-pts) input)
;; In this variation, the circle is stored as a list. The “current”
;; marble is always the first item in the list.
(define (insert-and-rotate circle val after-nth)
(values (append (list val)
(drop circle (min after-nth (length circle)))
(take circle (min after-nth (length circle)))) 0))
;; Remove the marble in the Nth slot, rotating the “circle” so the marble
;; to the right of the removed one is now in the front.
;; Returns both the rotated list and the value of the removed marble
(define (remove-and-rotate circle nth)
(values (append (drop circle nth) (take circle (sub1 nth))) (list-ref circle (sub1 nth))))
(define (add-to-spot lst pos val)
(append (take lst pos)
(list (+ val (list-ref lst pos)))
(drop lst (add1 pos))))
(define (play-game num-players until-marble)
(for/fold ([scores (make-list num-players 0)]
[circle (list 0)])
([player (in-cycle (range num-players))]
[cur-marble (in-naturals 1)])
#:final (equal? cur-marble until-marble)
(define-values (result-circle turn-score)
(cond [(zero? (modulo cur-marble 23))
(remove-and-rotate circle (- (length circle) 6))]
(insert-and-rotate circle cur-marble 2)]))
(values (add-to-spot scores player (* (+ cur-marble turn-score) (sgn turn-score))) result-circle)))
(define (high-score num-players until-marble)
(let-values ([(scores _) (play-game num-players until-marble)])
(apply max scores)))
; Finishes in 78 seconds on a 2015 Apple rMBP
(define (day09-part1)
(high-score num-players last-marble-pts))
(module+ test
;(check-equal? (high-score 10 1618) 8317)
;(check-equal? (high-score 13 7999) 146373)
;(check-equal? (high-score 17 1104) 2764)
;(check-equal? (high-score 21 6111) 54718)
;(check-equal? (high-score 30 5807) 37305)
(check-equal? (time (day09-part1)) 374287)) ; Correct answer for part 1
; Ran overnight — still didn’t finish!
(define (day09-part2)
(high-score num-players (* 100 last-marble-pts)))