import bunco
import xlsxwriter
from blessings import Terminal
t = Terminal()
g = bunco.Game("players.csv")
def plural(str,n,suffix="s"):
return str + suffix if n > 1 else str
def print_center(before, string, after):
col = int((t.width - len(string)) / 2) - 1
def display_dashboard():
print_center(t.bold_red,"B U N C O S I M U L A T O R", t.normal)
# Print column headings for rounds
rounds = [str(n + 1).rjust(4) for n in range(g.current_round())]
round_str = "".join(rounds)
# Print table of players and their scores each round
for table in g.tables:
print(f" {}{table}")
for player in table.players:
if player is bunco.fuzzydie_holder:
for n in range(g.current_round()):
def do1():
def summary(n):
return summary_text(g.players[n])
def summary_text(player):
for table in g.tables:
if player in table.players:
curtable = table
sitch = curtable.get_player_situation(player)
if player.round_scores[g.current_round()-1] > sitch['opponent_score']:
winloss = "beating"
winloss = "losing to"
foe_names = " & ".join([str(opp) for opp in sitch['opponents']])
bunco_ct = player.round_bunco_counts[g.current_round()-1]
if bunco_ct > 0:
buncos = f" (& {bunco_ct} {plural('bunco',bunco_ct)}!)"
buncos = ""
ts = [f"Round {g.current_round()} @ {curtable} with {sitch['teammate']}:",
f"You made {player.round_roll_counts[g.current_round()-1]} rolls,",
f"adding {player.personal_roll_scores[g.current_round()-1]} pts{buncos}",
f"to your team score of {player.round_scores[g.current_round()-1]},",
f"{winloss} {foe_names}’s score of {sitch['opponent_score']}."]
return " ".join(ts)
def excel_sheet(title):
wb = xlsxwriter.Workbook('bunco.xlsx')
ws = wb.add_worksheet('Overview')
style = {}
col_heading = wb.add_format({'font_name': 'Back Issues BB',
'font_size': 12,
'align': 'center'})
title_style = wb.add_format({'font_name': 'Back Issues BB',
'font_size': 14,
'bold': True})
row_heading = wb.add_format({'font_name': 'Back Issues BB',
'font_size': 12})
score_style = wb.add_format({'font_name': 'Milk Mustache BB',
'font_size': 14,
'align': 'right',
'num_format': '_(* #,##0_);_(* (#,##0);_(* "-"??_);_(@_)',
'color': '#0070C0'})
total_style = wb.add_format({'font_name': 'Milk Mustache BB',
'font_size': 14,
'align': 'center',
'bold': 'true'})
style['player_title'] = wb.add_format({'font_name': 'Back Issues BB',
'font_size': 28,
'bold': True,
'color': '#0096FF'})
style['player_subtitle'] = wb.add_format({'font_name': 'Back Issues BB',
'font_size': 16})
style['score_col_head'] = wb.add_format({'font_name': 'Back Issues BB',
'font_size': 12,
'bold': 'true',
'align': 'center'})
style['score_row_head'] = wb.add_format({'font_name': 'Back Issues BB',
'font_size': 16,
'bold': 'true',
'align': 'center'})
style['score_num'] = wb.add_format({'font_name': 'Milk Mustache BB',
'font_size': 18,
'align': 'right',
'num_format': '_(* #,##0_);_(* (#,##0);_(* "-"??_);_(@_)',
'color': '#833C0C'})
style['score_total'] = wb.add_format({'font_name': 'Back Issues BB',
'font_size': 18,
'align': 'right',
'top': 1,
'num_format': '_(* #,##0_);_(* (#,##0);_(* "-"??_);_(@_)'})
style['wins'] = wb.add_format({'font_name': 'Back Issues BB',
'font_size': 18,
'color': '#548235',
'align': 'center'})
style['losses'] = wb.add_format({'font_name': 'Back Issues BB',
'font_size': 18,
'color': '#FF0000',
'align': 'center'})
style['wins_t'] = wb.add_format({'font_name': 'Back Issues BB',
'font_size': 18,
'color': '#548235',
'top': 1,
'align': 'center'})
style['losses_t'] = wb.add_format({'font_name': 'Back Issues BB',
'font_size': 18,
'color': '#FF0000',
'top': 1,
'align': 'center'})
style['stat_name'] = wb.add_format({'font_name': 'Milk Mustache BB',
'bold': 'true',
'font_size': 16})
style['stat_val'] = wb.add_format({'font_name': 'Back Issues BB',
'font_size': 18,
'align': 'right'})
ws.set_column('A:A', 30)
ws.write('A1', title, title_style)
ws.fit_to_pages(1, 1)
# Column headings for each round
for n in range(g.current_round()):
ws.write(2, n + 1, n + 1, col_heading)
end_col = g.current_round()
ws.set_column(1, end_col, 5)
ws.set_column(end_col + 1, end_col + 5, 10)
ws.write(2, end_col + 1, "Total", col_heading)
ws.write(2, end_col + 2, "Wins", col_heading)
ws.write(2, end_col + 3, "Losses", col_heading)
ws.write(2, end_col + 4, "Buncos", col_heading)
ws.write(2, end_col + 5, "Rolls", col_heading)
# Write players and their scores for each round
for n, player in enumerate(g.players):
row = n + 3
ws.write(row, 0,, row_heading)
for r in range(g.current_round()):
col = r + 1
ws.write(row, col, player.round_scores[r], score_style)
# derive losses from wins
losses = [int(not x) for x in player.round_wins]
ws.write(row, end_col + 1, sum(player.round_scores), total_style)
ws.write(row, end_col + 2, sum(player.round_wins), total_style)
ws.write(row, end_col + 3, sum(losses), total_style)
ws.write(row, end_col + 4, sum(player.round_bunco_counts), total_style)
ws.write(row, end_col + 5, sum(player.round_roll_counts), total_style)
excel_score_sheet(wb, style, player, title)
end_row = 3 + len(g.players)
ws.write(end_row + 1, 0, "Prizes", title_style)
def excel_score_sheet(workbook, styles, player, title):
ws = workbook.add_worksheet(
ws.set_column('A:A', 14)
ws.set_column('B:C', 13)
ws.set_column('D:D', 19)
ws.set_column('E:F', 12)
ws.fit_to_pages(1, 1)
ws.write('A1',, styles['player_title'])
ws.write('A2', f"{title} Score Sheet", styles['player_subtitle'])
cols = ['Round', 'Rolls', 'Buncos?', 'Team Score', 'Win', 'Loss']
for n, col in enumerate(cols):
ws.write(3, n, col, styles['score_col_head'])
for n in range(g.current_round()):
row = 4 + n
ws.write(row, 0, n + 1, styles['score_col_head'])
ws.write(row, 1, player.round_roll_counts[n], styles['score_num'])
ws.write(row, 3, player.round_scores[n], styles['score_num'])
if player.round_bunco_counts[n] > 0:
ws.write(row, 2, player.round_bunco_counts[n], styles['score_num'])
if player.round_wins[n] > 0:
ws.write(row, 4, "✓", styles['wins'])
ws.write(row, 5, "✓", styles['losses'])
end_row = 3 + g.current_round()
# derive losses from wins
losses = [int(not x) for x in player.round_wins]
ws.write(end_row + 1, 0, '', styles['score_total'])
ws.write(end_row + 1, 1, sum(player.round_roll_counts), styles['score_total'])
ws.write(end_row + 1, 2, sum(player.round_bunco_counts), styles['score_total'])
ws.write(end_row + 1, 3, sum(player.round_scores), styles['score_total'])
ws.write(end_row + 1, 4, sum(player.round_wins), styles['wins_t'])
ws.write(end_row + 1, 5, sum(losses), styles['losses_t'])
stats = ['Longest time with fuzzy die',
'Highest roll streak',
f"Difference from average score of {g.average_total_score():.2f}",
f"Difference from median score of {g.median_total_score():.2f}",
"Average % of team score"]
for n, stat in enumerate(stats):
ws.write(end_row + 3 + n, 0, stat, styles['stat_name'])
ws.write(end_row + 3, 5, f"{player.max_fuzzydie_streak // 60}:{player.max_fuzzydie_streak % 60:02}",
ws.write(end_row + 4, 5, player.max_streak, styles['stat_val'])
ws.write(end_row + 5, 5, f"{sum(player.round_scores) - g.average_total_score():.2f}", styles['stat_val'])
ws.write(end_row + 6, 5, f"{sum(player.round_scores) - g.median_total_score():.2f}", styles['stat_val'])
ws.write(end_row + 7, 5, f"{player.average_contrib_pct():.2%}", styles['stat_val'])