Bunco Simulator

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16:07 Ticket [30cde4] Incorporate player stats (Dex, Math, Speed and Age) status still Open with 3 other changes artifact: fe0f55 user: joel
03:22 Ticket [30cde4]: 4 changes artifact: 58d670 user: joel
03:22 New ticket [30cde4]. artifact: 458ad1 user: joel

Ticket Hash: 30cde4e9a1e0f83a99d5c7478cc983e96b75a779
Title: Incorporate player stats (Dex, Math, Speed and Age)
Status: Open Type: Feature Proposal
Severity: Important Priority: Medium
Subsystem: Resolution: Open
Last Modified: 2018-11-22 16:07:06
Version Found In: